Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Mobile food vendor - licence application

By-law number 2011-06-029, as amended by By-law 2012-04-020

Mobile Food Vendor Permit Application Form

The applicant agrees not to conduct the business in a manner such as to cause any nuisance or inconvenience to the general public and failure to comply therewith will result in an immediate revocation of the license.

No public property or street (including boulevards) may be used for the conduct of the business.

If private property, not owned by the applicant, is to be used, the approval of the owner must be first obtained.

Licensed party must comply with all applicable requirements of applicable Road Authority (ies).

Monthly Fee is $25

Annual fee is $200

Note: A 2.5% convenience fee is applied to online payments.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Is your application for a monthly permit? ($25)
Is your application for a yearly permit? ($200)
The undersigned hereby releases the Corporation of the Township of Laurentian Valley from any or all claims for damages which may arise while operating within the municipality under which the undersigned is licenced by the municipality to do so.

Personal information collected in this form is collected pursuant to Section 151, Municipal Act S.O 2001, c.25, as amended, and will be used for the purpose of processing your application. 

Questions about this collection should be directed to the Township of Laurentian Valley: 

460 Witt Road, Pembroke ON K8A 6W5
Attn: Brett Miller
613-735-6291 x210